The PGY1/PGY2 residency program allows the resident the opportunity to expand his/her clinical knowledge portfolio while participating in key health system leadership initiatives.
During the first year, the resident will be at one of the affiliate CHS Hospitals: Tennova Healthcare – Lebanon. The resident will focus developing key clinical skills while being introduced to health care administration topics.
During the second year, the resident will share his/her time between experiences at the CHS corporate office and Tennova Healthcare. The partnership between the corporate office and the hospital allows the resident to experience two fundamental pharmacy leadership positions to prepare the resident for administration positions post-residency.
Rotation opportunities include:
The resident is expected to staff every third weekend. The pharmacy department is open 7am to 10pm and has an on-call program. The resident is expected to participate in the on-call program 3 nights/per six week rotation. There is no on-site staffing requirement for the second year of residency.
PGY2 – A Longitudinal Experience
The resident will be able to participate in a wide variety of opportunities by working with the CHS hospitals. Focus areas include, but are not limited to:
Practical Experience – Being the Director of Clinical Operations at Tennova Healthcare – Lebanon
During the second year, the resident will act as the Director of Clinical Operations. This experience provides the resident with an opportunity to make critical healthcare decisions under the direction of the director of pharmacy. By being intimately involved in the pharmacy’s operations, the resident will gain practical skills in personnel and pharmacy management.
Teaching Certificate with Belmont University
Through the partnership with Belmont University, the resident has the option of pursuing a teaching certificate during the first year of residency. The teaching certificate allows the resident the chance to develop lesson plans and course material then ultimately teach an elective and mentor students.
Please contact Alexis Schrieber with any questions about the application process at
Please reach out to us with any questions you have regarding our residency program. The directors, current resident and coordinator would all be willing to discuss the program with you and answer any questions that you may have.